June 26, 2023

A New Era of Risk Management for MedTech

A New Era of Risk Management for MedTech

8:30 am 9:30 am
June 26, 2023

Join us as we unveil Greenlight Guru’s Risk Solutions and see for yourself how Greenlight Guru is revolutionizing the way you manage risk — and how it’ll transform the way you work. Learn why your current Risk tools are not sufficient for streamlined, efficient work. See firsthand how our brand-new Risk Solutions will forever change the way you manage Risk for your device lifecycle. Get a product tour of TWO new and exciting offerings.

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Envisioning the Next Bioscience Workforce

Envisioning the Next Bioscience Workforce

8:30 am 9:30 am
June 26, 2023

InnovATEBIO, the National Biotechnology Education Center, funded by the National Science Foundation, and located at Austin Community College is hosting a summit at the National Academies of Science focusing on biotechnology emerging technologies. On June 26th thought leaders, industry CEOs, alumni, students, 2- and 4-year biotechnology educators, and governmental organizations will share information on the state of biotechnology in the nation. There will be opportunities to network and meet alumni and view student posters.

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