The Central Texas Life Science Industry Organization
Your trusted source for networking, collaborating and advancing the life science community.

BioAustinCTX is advancing the convergence of entrepreneurs, organizations, infrastructure, collaboration, capital, talent and quality of life creating a dynamic environment for a thriving and successful life science industry at regional, state, national and ultimately international levels in the Central Texas region.
Our Mission
We work together to bring the life science community together to create communication, collaboration, innovation, sustainable growth and investment. Learn more about our mission to build our community.

BioAustinCTX offers multiple membership options to meet your business and professional needs. Whether you are looking for an individual or corporate account, we have options for individual professionals, start ups, mid to large established organizations, academia and community partners such as non-profits and government agencies. Learn more about our membership types and what they have to offer.
Benefits of Membership
Not only do you gain access to a community of like-minded individuals to help support your business, we also offer other great benefits such as discount programs, events and our newsletter to keep you up-to-date with industry news.

Creating “Win-Win” R&D Collaborations with the U.S. Government
Looking for non-dilutive funding to spur your medical product towards commercialization? Is research & development with Federal government a “black box” for your company? Join us on December 5 at 11am for a webinar to learn how to partner with the R&D elements of the Federal government for “win-win” collaborations that will spur medical product development. Find out which legal tools the Federal government uses to invest in breakthrough technology, which Agencies have funding for specific types of medical products, and how to protect your company’s intellectual property, technical data, and FDA regulatory position as you work with the government.
Get Involved
BioAustinCTX hosts multiple events to encourage collaboration such as BioBash, Lunch & Learn Seminars and Special Interest Group Seminars. Contact us if you’re interested in learning more about sponsorship.
Get involved in a help us execute our tactical and strategic plans. Volunteer to work on one of our Working Group Teams for Communications, Membership, Events, Sponsorships, Student Internship or the Central Texas Ambassadors.
Support our newsletter by submitting industry news, events, funding and volunteer opportunities, job openings and more. Complete this form to submit your information.

Newsletter February 2025
Thanks to Our New and Renewing Members Colton McCaslandEdward RohanVarshal DaveJames PratherWilliam SowersJames Jacobson Learn More About MembershipIN THIS NEWSLETTER SPOTLIGHT LOCAL EVENTS LOCAL NEWS INDUSTRY RESOURCES CAREER CORNER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES TEXAS LIFE...