BioBash Highlights Incubators in CTX
BioAustinCTX is excited to present BioBash on February 8, 2024 sponsored by Karlin Real Estate. At this BioBash, we will focus on the development of Incubators in Central Texas and how they help improve and promote growth in the Life Science industry. We hope you are able to join us for a great night of learning and networking.
6801 River Place Blvd
Austin, Tx 78726
Early registration is closed. You are still welcome to attend. Walk up registration is $40.
6:00PM Check-in
6:30PM Speaker Presentations
7 – 9PM Networking
9:00PM Event ends
About the Venue
Highpoint in Northwest Austin is a multi-phase, mixed-use redevelopment located in Northwest Austin. Phase one contemplates the transformation of the existing buildings into over a million square feet of premium laboratory and office space as well as a tenant amenity hub. Future phases may incorporate multi-family, retail, and office as well as an outdoor activities center and numerous campus amenities
Click on the image to see more about how we are helping the Life Science industry grow in Central Texas.
To learn more, visit their website at https://www.highpointaustin.com/
Thank You to Our Host and Sponsor

Driving Innovation Together
“We actively partner with our tenants, ensuring that their vision becomes the driving force behind the environments we create. This means culture, lifestyle, and community come first, always. Through tenacity and state-of-the-art technology, we continually push the boundaries of each curated space, propelling our partners forward faster.”
6801 River Place Blvd
Austin, Tx 78726